Stepping into board membership: a guide for condo & co-op leaders

Board member education
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July 8, 2024
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Stepping into board membership: a guide for condo & co-op leaders

Congratulations on joining your building's board! It's a big step, and one that deserves recognition. By volunteering your time and energy, you're making a real difference in your community. While the role comes with its fair share of challenges, it can be incredibly rewarding when you have the right resources at your fingertips. As a new board member, you're taking on significant responsibilities - from overseeing finances to ensuring compliance and resident safety. It's a complex job, and many owners and residents don't realize the extent of work involved in governing your building. But we see you, and we recognize how much you're taking on. That's why we've put together this guide to help you find your footing in your new role.

Why it's great to be a board member

As a board member, you're becoming a key player in shaping your building's future. Your decisions have the power to transform your home into a more comfortable and enjoyable place for everyone. Your role goes beyond maintenance – it's about creating value. As you improve the building, you're simultaneously enhancing daily life for residents and strengthening the value of their investments. It's a dual impact that makes your position uniquely powerful in shaping your community's future. Whether you're feeling excited, a bit overwhelmed, or a mix of both, we're here to support you every step of the way on this rewarding journey.

Essential roles and board operations

As a board member, you'll be part of a team with distinct roles, each crucial to your building's smooth operation:

  • President: Guides board operations, manages meetings, and champions building regulations.
  • Vice President: Supports the President, manages special projects, and addresses various building needs.
  • Treasurer: Oversees financial health, including budgeting and record-keeping.
  • Secretary: Manages information, correspondence, and meeting minutes.

Expect monthly meetings (or quarterly for smaller buildings) and close collaboration with your management company for guidance and decision-making support.

Understanding your legal responsibilities and fiduciary duty

As a board member, you have important legal obligations to your community:

1. Fiduciary duty: You're required to act in the best interest of the community as a whole, not for personal gain or benefit. This means making decisions that benefit the entire association, even if they might not align with your personal preferences.

2. Duty of care: Make informed decisions by reviewing all available information before voting on issues. This includes reading reports, asking questions, and seeking expert advice when necessary.

3. Duty of loyalty: Put the interests of the building community above personal interests or those of particular residents. Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts promptly.

4. Confidentiality: Maintain the privacy of sensitive information discussed in board meetings, such as individual homeowner issues or ongoing legal matters.

5. Compliance: Ensure the association follows its own governing documents (CC&Rs, bylaws, rules and regulations) and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Understanding these responsibilities will help you navigate your role ethically and effectively. When in doubt, don't hesitate to consult with the condo or co-op’s legal counsel.

Key areas of governance and involvement

As a board member, you'll be involved in various aspects of community governance:

1. Financial oversight

2. Property maintenance and improvements

3. Policy development and enforcement

4. Legal and regulatory compliance

5. Community engagement and satisfaction

6. Vendor and contract management

7. Emergency preparedness and safety

By focusing on these areas, you'll contribute to a well-governed, financially sound, and harmonious community. If you’re a larger building, the right property management team will  support you in navigating these responsibilities effectively.

Common challenges and how to address them

As a new board member, you may encounter several challenges. Here's how to handle some common issues:

1. Difficult residents:

   - Listen actively to their concerns
   - Remain calm and professional
   - Stick to facts and association rules
   - Seek mediation if conflicts escalate

2. Conflicting opinions within the board:

   - Encourage open, respectful dialogue
   - Focus on the community's best interests
   - Seek compromise where possible
   - Use voting procedures when consensus can't be reached

3. Unexpected maintenance emergencies:

   - Have an emergency response plan in place
   - Maintain an up-to-date list of trusted vendors
   - Communicate promptly and clearly with residents
   - Review insurance coverage regularly

4. Budget constraints:

   - Prioritize essential expenses
   - Explore cost-saving measures
   - Consider gradual fee increases if necessary
   - Be transparent about financial challenges

5. Apathy or low community engagement:

   - Improve communication channels
   - Host community events
   - Highlight the impact of resident involvement
   - Recognize and appreciate volunteer efforts

Your management company and fellow board members are valuable resources when facing these challenges. Don't hesitate to seek their input and support.

Characteristics of an effective board member

To be successful, board members should embody several key characteristics:

- Diligent: Pay attention to details and follow through on your commitments. Your thoroughness ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.
- Objective: Approach decisions with fairness and impartiality. Your ability to consider multiple perspectives leads to balanced outcomes.
- Empathetic: Understand and consider the needs and feelings of your fellow residents. Your compassion helps in making decisions that benefit the entire community.
- Collaborative: Work effectively with others, valuing diverse opinions and fostering teamwork. Your ability to cooperate enhances the board's overall effectiveness.

Guiding principles for impactful board leadership

A board member's productivity can be significantly increased by adhering to specific procedures. By ensuring that board members are knowledgeable, open, and moral in their positions, these procedures promote responsibility and trust in the community.

Stay informed

- Regularly review building documents, financial reports, and relevant laws
- Attend industry seminars or workshops to stay updated on best practices
- Engage with your property management team to understand ongoing issues and projects

Be transparent

- Communicate decisions and their rationales clearly to all residents
- Make board meeting minutes accessible to the community
- Be open about challenges the building faces and the steps being taken to address them

Act ethically

- Always prioritize the community's interests over personal gain
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest promptly
- Ensure fair treatment of all residents, regardless of personal relationships

Practice thoughtful decision-making

- Take time to reflect on complex issues before making hasty judgments
- Seek diverse perspectives to ensure well-rounded decision-making
- Balance immediate needs with long-term sustainability of the building and community
- Regularly assess the effectiveness of past decisions and be willing to adjust course when necessary

Board vs. management: key functions

*this should be seen as a high level list, not exhaustive

Embracing your new role: your journey begins 

As you step into your board position, remember: this is your opportunity to shape the place you and your neighbors call home. Your unique perspective and ideas will drive positive change in your building. As you navigate this role:

- Embrace the learning curve—each challenge is a chance to expand your skills
- Leverage your strengths and experiences to benefit your community
- Stay open to new ideas and perspectives from fellow board members and residents

With the right support— like a trusted management company and an aligned board—you'll navigate challenges effectively. Your decisions will create a more comfortable, efficient, and harmonious living environment for all. And if you need some help - Daisy’s here to support and guide boards.

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