Master your condo or co-op board application: Writing an effective candidate statement

Board member education
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August 20, 2024
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Master your condo or co-op board application: Writing an effective candidate statement

Are you considering becoming a board member for your co-op or condo? Whether you want to improve your building, help it reach its full potential, or stay informed about the latest happenings, drafting a sample board candidate statement is your first step.

Objectives of a good candidate statement

  1. Detail what you'll do for your building and why you're trustworthy
  2. Share about yourself, your values, and your background

Remember: You're persuading people to vote for you. Be honest, but don't be overly modest.

Key elements of your statement

1. Your action plan for change 

The most common mistake people make when running for the board of their condo or co-op is leading with their biographical details. You will want to include these, but later. You need to first catch your reader’s attention by specifying what you can do for the community. Some examples include:

  • Increasing transparency between the board, residents, and owners
  • Taking steps to raise property value (e.g., renovations or additions)
  • Implementing new technologies for community input
  • Improving budgeting with fiscally conservative policies
  • Enhancing the building's aesthetics
  • Increasing communication and feedback opportunities
2. Apply your unique skill sets

Being a member of the board is a lot of responsibility that benefits from a wide variety of backgrounds and prior administrative positions. Align your personal history with your goals. Focus on relevant areas such as:


  • Background in law enforcement to enhance building safety protocols or related fields
  • Experience with anti-discrimination policies to ensure fair treatment for all members  or dispute resolution

Finances and budget management

  • CPA qualifications or experience with budgeting to oversee finances and fund allocation
  • Background in real estate or property management to enhance property value and market insights
  • Experience in public works or major project budgeting ​​skills for large-scale improvements and renovations

Government compliance

  • Knowledge of local laws to ensure the building meets all legal requirements and avoids penalties
  • Experience in regulatory agencies to navigate complex compliance issues effectively
3. Share your personal connection

After presenting your goals and skills, introduce yourself personally. This helps voters connect with you as an individual. Include:

Personal background:

  • Full name and how long you've lived in the building
  • Brief professional background (e.g., "Marketing executive with 15 years of experience")
  • Educational background, highlighting relevant degrees or certifications

Family and lifestyle:

  • Family status (e.g., "Married with two children" or "Single pet parent to a Golden Retriever")
  • Mention if you work from home or have flexible hours, indicating availability for board duties
  • Any community involvement or volunteering experience within the building or neighborhood

Interests and hobbies:

  • Highlight interests that show community-mindedness (e.g., "Avid gardener, interested in improving our communal green spaces")
  • Mention unique hobbies that make you relatable (e.g., "Weekend rock climber" or "Amateur chef specializing in international cuisines")

Tips for writing your statement

  • Focus on how your skills serve your neighbors, not yourself
  • Be clear and concise
  • Use bullet points for easy readability
  • Strike a balance between professional and approachable
  • Highlight how your skills align with the board's responsibilities

Remember, your statement should demonstrate how you'll contribute to building a strong, vibrant community.

Using these tips can help you write a standout board statement that connects with your neighbors. Keep it clear and simple, share your ideas for improving the building and a bit about yourself. A well-crafted statement not only improves your election chances but also shows how you can make a positive impact on your community.

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